Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Small Fish, Big Castle

I regretfully inform the milleniallity readership that Solomon (Sol) Jose passed in the early morning on Sunday, October 10, 2010.

He was a good betta fish, and he will be remembered. Whether he was sucking tiny fish food pellets into his mouth and then spitting them back out, playing with a laser pointer, or just hanging out, he was spreading joy with every little glub and bloop.

I would also recommend to all current and future betta owners, consider the size of your castle before you purchase. Apparently, it is possible for them to be too big.


  1. this is the saddest. rest in peace little sol.

  2. sad. he's in fish heaven. there is no doubt. none.

  3. Holy shit. I just realized I spelled my own Blog's name wrong in this post! Humiliating.
