Thursday, October 7, 2010

Annnnnd… we’re back!

Yes, all 5 of my blog-readers (and closest friends), I have not been writing as often as I should have (or at all). This is due mainly to my profound propensity for laziness. A laziness that is really unrivaled in all my experiences and travels. Of course as part of this laziness, there is a preoccupation with making excuses so I should also probably mention I had consumption.

Yup, you read that correctly – consumption. Consumption of the Jane Austen, John Keats, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “get yourself off the cold, damp, coast of England to hotter, dryer climes” variety of consumption. My eyeballs nearly melted and dripped out of my skull from fever and so I didn’t really feel like sharing my thoughts (such as: ouch, ouch, cough, cough, holy shit I’m tired) with you lot.

And apparently writing in a blog is much like going to the gym or any other activity that is hard to do but ultimately rewarding, in that if you fall out of the habit, it is nearly impossible to take it up again. So in conclusion:

1. lazy

2. consumption

3. lazy

4. I missed you guys too.

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