Friday, October 15, 2010

Evolving Elevators

Other people at work may wonder - why does she park directly next to the elevator on the first floor of the parking structure? Convenience mainly, but also something more. People get all ambitious taking the stairs at work, choosing stairs at the mall, purposefully parking farther away than necessary to ensure they get the maximum amount of “exercise” in their day.

Really though, this is akin to slapping evolution in the face. Millions of years ago an amoeba emerged from the primordial ooze, then there were chimps, then us (dinosaurs and mammoths were in there somewhere as well). And then one day, one of us invented the goddamn elevator. A tiny room that transports you where you want to go, while you just stand there. And you are going to purposefully avoid it?? I hope a chimp spanks you with a tree branch. I’m a better human than you.

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