Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Healthy Living

Pretty self-explanatory.
Alllllllright, I know you natives are restless, but honestly, this week has been nuts. While you guys were off dicking around, reading the internets, complaining about what wasn't on them yet (I'm acting mad to seem tough, but actually that warms my heart - I love you guys too!), I was doing real things. Grown up things. Like:

  1. Watching goat labor (and missing the birth by a mere 20 minutes). Have you ever timed goat contractions? I have. 
  2. Drinking Thursday - Sunday. Honestly, me and everyone in the town in which I reside, spent 4 days in an alcohol-induced fog. It was sort of magical. It was a wine festival. It's part of my job, okay???
  3. Started studying in earnest for this ridiculous test you need to take to get into grad school. It has math on it. I know, I was thinking the exact same thing: math is a dead language! Who uses math anymore?? Wizards?
  4. Watched some TV. Actually, a lot of TV. I watch an inordinate amount of TV. Goddamn you guys are so judgey.
  5. Baked way too much chocolate chip banana bread, which I'm eating as I type this. And it tastes like procrastination and fairy dusty. 
  6. I took some vitamins. Yeah, I take vitamins now. 
  7. I can't believe I only did 6 things... It seemed like more.
  8. Oh yeah! I tutored my student. She asked me to proof a paper "she wrote" lifted entirely from Wikipedia. I'm too tired to say more about that now. 
Okay I think that's it. I really need more caffeine before I elaborate on any of these things. Go take some vitamins.

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