Monday, August 16, 2010


Ways to improve my boss’ mood on a Monday morning:

  1. Make sure there is a ripe (but not too ripe) banana waiting on her desk when she gets in; an hour after I do.
  2. Tell her that her hair looks good.
  3. Tell her something this weekend reminded me of her, make sure that something is young and hip, prompting her to smile in an “I feel so included in your generation”-kind-of-way.
  4. Tell her I like her blouse.
  5. Ask her if she wants anything to eat (the more often I ask, the more likely she is to say “no” a few times, this makes her feel skinny).
  6. Ask if I already told her that her hair looks good?
  7. Remind her that it’s almost time for her to leave.
  8. Get her out the door and promise there is nothing to worry about (3 hours before I leave).

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