Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Happy... Happy

On this, the eve of my 25th birthday, I've been doing some thinking. Thinking about things like:

  • How I just quit my job, which seemed like a really good idea at the time but now when people ask me what I do, I have to cheerily say "I'm unemployed!"
  • How when I meet new people I like to say that I have two elderly roommates and make it sound really creepy (they keep pictures of me everywhere...) and get them all weirded out to the point they stop responding before I just relent and say these roommates actually created me as a human being.
  • How when I was in elementary school and we'd play "Grown Ups" I'd always say I was 23 - and I'd have a husband, several children and a house.
  • How I sometimes wonder why I don't have a boyfriend, but when guys buy me drinks in bars I have been known to say "Good Evening Mr. Douchepants" - but I always finish the drink.
  • How when I was 4 I told my mom I wanted to be a man when I grew up (mans don't cry).
  • How I never got a single detention in school, but turns out - nobody gives a shit.
  • How at least I figured out I better pluck my effing unibrow or I'd have no friends.

Dear god I feel old.

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