Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Parental Bosses vs. Bossy Parents

I may not be a parent, but I have nannied, babysat, and lifeguarded many many many a time, and I can tell you truthfully – kids make your life hard. They are like really short crazy people who don’t want to let you do anything you want or need to do.

This is why people with children make the best bosses.

Confused? Consider this…

Your child was screaming until 2 am because they were not allowed to have a second popsicle after dinner. Not only did you not get to bed until 2, then you had a migraine. When you woke up, the tiny arm of hard plastic toy raptor pierced your foot on the way to the bathroom. The sink is clogged. The shower is clogged. The toilet is clogged.

What’s that? Your assistant forgot to CC someone on that last email? No big. You’re going to go wipe that unknown substance off of the back of your pants now…

Oh – and because you’re probably wondering – no. My boss doesn’t have any kids. Or a husband. Or a pet. 

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