Monday, November 15, 2010


I resolved to write at least 2 blog posts today, since I haven’t written in awhile, because I keep having too much goddamn work at work. And Lord knows I’m not blogging from home, I have better things to do people. Jeez.

Unfortunately, I have just ingested a ginormous fajita bowl, eaten entirely with chips (no fork necessary) in under 4 minutes and am now staring longingly at a foil tube of tortillas trying to figure out how to fit them into my bulging food receptacle. So to be frank, I am now far too full and sleepy to blog.

You’ll all just have to freaking deal.

1 comment:

  1. your gluttony is nothing short of inspiring.

    My dream is to one day bake cookies with you, while drinking cappuccinos made from a french press.

    In my fantasy we pretend to be psuedo-intellectuals and discuss the trivialities of life and laugh at all those commoners who are beneath us and hence live sadder lives.

    Oooops, we just ate the entire batch of cookies in one sitting. Thank jehova they were gluten free.
