Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When It's Okay to Look for Another Job at Work

  1. When your entire department is at a meeting.
  2. When your entire department is in the bathroom (trickier to determine and doesn’t happen very often).
  3. On your iPhone during lunch.
  4. When the rest of your department gets to travel and you are ordered to stay behind and man (even though you are a Woman) the office.
  5. When your boss is in a really bad mood, taking it out on you, and sitting only feet away in her own office and you decide to tempt fate because “you HOPE you get caught and fired”.
  6. Actually, probably never, I’m sure any computer person worth their salt could easily sneak a peek at absolutely everything you’re doing every day…

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Shout Out to Swaziland

Hey! If you are the person who keeps reading my blog every week from Swaziland, I just wanted to say “Hey!”

I think it’s just about the neatest thing about me that Swazilians (Swazimanians? Swazilites?) have read my words from their Land of Swaz.

Keep up the great reading.


I resolved to write at least 2 blog posts today, since I haven’t written in awhile, because I keep having too much goddamn work at work. And Lord knows I’m not blogging from home, I have better things to do people. Jeez.

Unfortunately, I have just ingested a ginormous fajita bowl, eaten entirely with chips (no fork necessary) in under 4 minutes and am now staring longingly at a foil tube of tortillas trying to figure out how to fit them into my bulging food receptacle. So to be frank, I am now far too full and sleepy to blog.

You’ll all just have to freaking deal.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kanye's Peen


: i don't know i can't tell if its you know
: at attention or not
: it doesn't frighten me


: hmmm
: were you expecting to be frightened?


: well it's kanye's penis


: is amber there?


: apparently he sent a picture text to a lady friend
: i don't think they're together anymore?


: oh
: well i feel like
: once you bone kanye
: when he feels like boning again
: whether you are "together" or not
: you just do that


: yeah i guess